Happy Sunday Guys,

I believe that you are staying safe and pulling through this global crises that is ravaging the economy of the world and also threatening the lives of our human population with no confirmed cure in sight. 

It is without doubt that whenever we can, to give shout outs with words of encouragement to the men and women at our frontline of defence against dreaded diseases like what we face now.. The health workers all over the world - they are our present day heroes.

At the moment we are in an era of war but not that of a nation against another, nor a tribe against another. It is not a war of gun battles nor rocket launchers or assemblies of soldiers for shootout encounter, it is a fight against a dreaded diseases and one in which all human beings all over the world speaks against in one voice and seeks an end to. In this war, our health workers stand at the frontline to protect lives and ensure recovery of affected people. In the face of this pandemic, no police, no soldiers, no government or world power but the guidelines given by health workers to ensure survival through prevention and recovery in the case of infection.

Despite the death rates in the line of duty,  our today's heroes still match on with one mission - holding the spread of the virus till a cure is found. They never say no!

Today, my shoutout goes to all the health workers all over the world, you are my batman and batwoman, my superman and superwoman. 
You give us a reason to believe and hope that someday we will walk again freely in our communities, worship in our churches and mosques, feel confident to drop our kids at school, carryout our job activities without fear of contacting the corona virus from a friendly hug, handshake or occassional banters with friends and colleagues.

To the fallen health workers who did not spare their lives in service to humanity in the past and present situations of disease outbreaks, we owe you great respect and hold you in high esteem for your invaluable contributions to save lives - Rest in perfect Peace. 
To all those fighting for the survival of the human race, may God strengthen you and enable us to support you until victory against the corona virus is achieved. God bless you more, Amen!


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